Cllr. Ellen McLeay

BH2023/02906 – 56 London Road



Please could you note my objection for this application and add it to the comments as part of the consultation.


Objection to planning application BH2023/02906

Writing on behalf of a local resident, I object to this retrospective planning application to further develop a single storey rear extension at 56 London Road (Dominos), based on the following material considerations;


Loss of light or overshadowing

Although this development is to the rear of the Dominos business premises, the development of this extension (started prior to receiving planning permission) has been incredibly disruptive to the family living in the adjacent property. The resident has confirmed that the development has caused significant loss of natural light, directly affecting their living space. As a result, they need to turn on more electrical lights while indoors, which in turn is increasing their bills.


Layout and density of building

Prior to the development of this extension there was a small shed structure, the compressors were positioned a good distance away from the residential building, there was no powerful industrial lights in place, and the shed had little impact on the close proximity of the windows and airflow.


Now however, with the construction of the extension very much underway, the structure now fills the width of the courtyard and has brought everything into close proximity of the residential property. Often smelly refuse bags and

used food trays (stacked high) are left under the resident’s kitchen and dining room windows, and a powerful light is positioned towards the windows (the light is consistently on until the business closing time of 4am).


The new boiler flue is also facing the resident’s kitchen and dinging room windows, affecting air quality.


A new door has also been put in facing the resident’s windows – which is impacting on the privacy of their home living space.



The neighbouring family have experienced significant disruption to their ability to sleep from the noise from compressors during the evening hours. Staff using the outside area (shouting, laughing and watching videos) have also disrupted the family’s sleep.


The planning application suggests that the extension provides insulated walls which help to reduce any potential for noise and odours from the plant equipment at the rear of the takeaway travelling to residential properties, further

improving their amenity – however, this means nothing to the neighbouring residents if the refuse is being left outside under their windows and staff are standing outside below those same windows taking a break, laughing, shouting and having no regard for the privacy and wellbeing of the residents who are trying to sleep during those night time hours.


This retrospective planning application has already presented a high level of disruption for these residents. At no point were the residents notified about the development prior to it starting and have been at the mercy of its negative impact since it commenced. I request that the planning committee take on board the concerns of the neighbouring residents and refuse this application.